Wednesday 4 May 2016

Week commencing 25th April- Snow in April

I didn’t think I would see snow at the end of April but it is Scotland after all!

My Monday started off by dewing the greens. I did this with Greame and Tish along with raking bunkers on the Allander.

In the late morning and afternoon we had the task of completing the two new bunkers at the new green at the 10th on the Allander. This was exciting not only seeing the process of building a bunker but also seeing the new green coming together.

The process started with taking out some of the current gravel that was covering the drainage channels. This means that fresh gravel can be put in to enhance the drainage. We then made sure the area was as tidy as possible and then we started to fill the bunker with sand.

Once the sand had been shovelled in we had to make sure it was evenly spread and then we trampled on the sand to compact it as much as possible.

That’s it, two bunkers filled in.

Tuesday started out with going around the Hilton with Scott raking bunkers and moving pin positions before the medal started. We then went around the Allander taking out any large stones that were in the bunkers and gave them a general tidy up. Lastly I helped with filling in divots on tees. This consists of a mixture of sand and grass seed placed into the divot holes.

Thursday was the day that saw snow return to Glasgow which was a surprise to everyone! We mainly continued to fill in divots that day and did as much as possible despite the weather.

Friday morning I went around both courses with Greame and Gordon changing bins, moving tee markers, changing hole positions and raking bunkers. The afternoon was spent raking up branches and then burning them back at the sheds.

Photo of the week- 

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